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Edgey – Square Form Annihilations

Edgey - Square Form Annihilations

CD, Hands Productions, 2005

My first contact with the work of Stephen James Knight, alias Edgey was through the “2005 Hands” compilation, the three tracks providing quite a memorable experience. Thus, I expected to hear something equally good when I played “Square Form Annihilations”, his first full length offering from Hands, on a 3-hour bus-ride. The album clocks at approximately 1 hour which was rather inconvenient, since I only got to hear it three times in a row during said bus ride.
From the opening guitar-sounding samples and thumping of “Cavity” to the high frequencies and hectic noise pummeling of “White Bricks”, “Square Form Annihilations” is a real piece of work. Somewhere between Drum’n’Bass and Power Noise, Edgey’s style combines the approachability and pure force of the two genres, resulting in an immensely beautiful sound. “Ill at Ease” is maybe the best example, starting from a haunting keyboard loop and sample that is soon supported by breakbeat drums, erupting mid-track in a magnificent display of powerful and intensely emotional musicianship.
And while not all of the tracks are as emotion-laden or complex as “Ill at Ease”, the album has absolutely no filler moments, providing a seamless and absolutely entertaining listen that will provoke endless finger-tapping and a lot of sweat on the dance floors that it will fill.
An excellent release, and as such I give “Square Form Annihilations” a 9/10, along with my hopes for even more and even better material (although I can’t and won’t complain for anything equally good) in the near future..


— George Mouratidis

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